Berkeley Lab’s Biosciences and Earth & Environmental Sciences Areas celebrated BioEPIC with a research SLAM. Lead investigators from each of the four Science Focus Areas (SFAs) that will be housed in the building—Belowground Biogeochemistry, ENIGMA, m-CAFEs, and Watershed Function—gave a brief overview of their program. Scientists from each SFA shared their research in three-minute presentations for a general audience.
• BioEPIC Research Slam Champion – Cat Adams, postdoctoral researcher, m-CAFEs Science Focus Area (SFA), “Funky Fungal Farts”
• First Runner-up – Hannah Naughton, postdoctoral researcher, “Watershed SFA, Mountains, Microbes and Microsites – Oh, My!”
• Honorable mention – Nicola Falco, research scientist, Watershed SFA, “Sensing the Invisible: Connecting the Hidden Structure of a Watershed Ecosystem From Space”